La ostia
Felipe Fiuza
2013 Tournament Rules
Preparatório Brasileiro 2013
São Paulo, Brazil
May 30, 2013
22 players
3R + F
Felipe Fiuza's Tournament Winning Deck with 4 VPs in the Finals
Deck Name: La ostia
Created By: Felipe "Six Rounds" Fiuza
Description: Just Be cool, Block, and Wait.
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 12, Max: 20, Avg: 4,08)
3 Travis 'Traveler72' Miller DEF MAR 5 Martyr
2 Francois 'Warder' Loehr DEF JUD 3 Judge
1 Jennie 'Cassie247' Orne INN JUD VIN 5 Visionary
1 Erick "Shophet125" INN JUD 4 Judge
1 Jack 'Hannibal137' Harmon DEF JUD 4 Defender
1 John 'Cop90' O'Malley JUD VEN 4 Avenger
1 Lupe "Cabbie22" Droin DEF VEN 4 Defender
1 Marion "Teacher193" Perks RED JUD 4 Redeemer
1 Xian 'DziDzati55' Quan DEF INN 4 Defender
Library: (60 cards)
Master (11 cards)
4 Angel of Berlin
1 Church of Vindicated Faith, The
1 Fortschritt Library
1 Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
1 Not to be
1 The Rose Foundation
1 Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1 Two Wrongs
Conviction (22 cards)
4 React with Conviction
11 Second Sight
7 Strike with Conviction
Ally (1 cards)
1 Vagabond Mystic
Equipment (5 cards)
1 Crusader Sword, The
1 Orb of Ulain
3 Sport Bike
Event (5 cards)
1 Blood Weakens
1 Narrow Minds
1 The Slow withering
1 Unmasking, The
1 Veil of Darkness
Power (13 cards)
3 Champion
4 Discern
2 Rejuvenate
4 Vigilance
Reaction (3 cards)
3 On the Qui Vive