nontable poison wall deck
Cory Busch Kendall
2010 Tournament Rules
Reunion Kamut
Columbus, Ohio
June 23, 2010
42 players
2R + F
Cory Busch Kendall's Tournament Winning Deck
Deck Name: imbued nontable poison wall deck
Created by: Cory Busch Kendall
Crypt [13 minions] Capacity min: 3 max: 5 average: 4
3x François "Warden" Loehr 3 def jud Imbued:4
2x Jennie "Cassie247" Orne 5 inn jud vis Imbued:4
2x Erick "Shophet125" Franco 4 inn jud Imbued:4
2x Jack "Hannibal137" Harmon 4 def jud Imbued:4
2x Marion "Teacher193" Perks 4 red jud Imbued:4
1x Travis "Traveler72" Miller 5 mar def Imbued:4
1x John "Cop90" O'Malley 4 jud ven Imbued:4
Library [76 cards]
Ally [3]
1x Moise Kasavubu
1x Vagabond Mystic
1x Wendell Delburton (Hunter)
Combat [20]
3x Concealed Weapon
4x Dodge
9x Glancing Blow
4x Manstopper Rounds
Conviction [12]
4x React with Conviction
4x Second Sight
4x Strike with Conviction
Equipment [14]
1x Crusader Sword, The
2x Flak Jacket
1x IR Goggles
2x Kevlar Vest
2x Leather Jacket
4x Sniper Rifle
2x Sport Bike
Event [1]
1x Unmasking, The
Master [15]
6x Angel of Berlin
1x Church of Vindicated Faith, The
1x Information Highway
1x KRCG News Radio
1x Lupine Assault
1x Parthenon, The
1x Rose Foundation, The
1x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1x Society Hunting Ground
1x Vigil: The Thin Line
Power [11]
1x Champion
4x Discern
2x Rejuvenate
4x Vigilance