Talbot’s Hunters
David Tatu
It was two Saturdays before the NAC and we were having our standard V:TES Atlanta
play session. We were all sad that John (Witness1) would not be able to attend the
NAC with us. We all feel that he is one of the strongest and most innovative Imbued
players in the world. It is our feeling that the new set will put a dent in the
number of Hunters seeing play in the tournament scene so we felt that this was
a “last chance” to play with them in a major event. John came up with the great
suggestion: people other then him can also play the imbued! After thinking about
this for a while, Robyn, Jeff and I all decided this was a great idea. So we all
planned to meet next Saturday to try out our imbued decks prior to flying out to LA.
I had already won a tournament with my version of John’s Powerless deck (Lafayette
Qualifier) so I had a deck ready but I wanted to try something else. I remembered a
while back that John had an idea for a Talbot’s Chainsaw mutli-rush deck. I did a
little Googling and then developed this deck:
Talbot’s Hunters
David Tatu after Witness1
Crypt (12):
4x Jennie Orne Visionary INN JUD VSN Leave incap for 2 conviction
1x John O'Malley Avenger JUD VEN built-in rush
2x Francois Loehr Judge DEF JUD (D) actions cost extra
1x Erick Franco Judge INN JUD gains conviction on rush
2x Jack Harmon Defender DEF JUD optional maneuver
1x Marion Perks Redeemer JUD RED optional press
1x Travis Miller Martyr DEF MAR Travis action
Library (90)
Master (14)
6x Angel of Berlin
1x Memories of Mortality
1x Fame
1x Church of Vindicated Faith
1x Specialization
1x Unity
2x Direct Intervention
1x Tension in the Ranks
1x The Barrens
Event (7)
1x The Unmasking
1x Torpid Blood
2x Edge Explosion
1x Dragonbound
Equipment (14)
2x Flak Jacket
3x Talbot’s Chainsaw
1x Ivory Bow
2x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Orb of Ulain
2x Laptop Computer
1x Crusader Sword
1x Sport Bike
1x Leather Jacket
Powers (12)
6x Vigilance
1x Hide
2x Champion
2x Rejuvenate
1x Inspire
Ally (2)
2x Vagabond Mystic
Combat (9)
3x Boxed In
3x Fake Out
3x Glancing Blow
Reaction (5)
3x Determine
2x Poison Pill
Action Modifier (2)
2x Change of Target
Conviction (25)
9x Second Sight
7x React With Conviction
9x Strike With Conviction
I never got a chance to play the deck prior to the LCQ. I don’t know if that really
hurt me. It was the seating and “Imbued Rage” that caused me the most problems.
There were 4 official members of Hunter Net at the event (Jeff, Robyn, Darby and I)
and one rogue player (Laurie Goulding) out of a total of 41 players at the LCQ.
In round 1 I was seated at a 4 top. That works well for a rush deck but seated behind
me was Darby. His Hunter deck was of course a Darby dance of the bleeding sort. He got
all the pool gain cards (Travis, Church) and neither of us got Jennie. I felt that my
deck would still work without Jenny but it would be a slow downward spiral if I had to
burn 3 convictions to get out of the Hospital each turn. So I held off until turn 7
before asking an Angel to bring me my saw. I figured I could go 5 turns before I ran
out of convictions and ended up with everyone in the hospital. I was about right. I
got my Lasombra prey (only lost one guy to an entombment) by putting all his vamps in
torpor and bleed him out along with the help of a Fame. The round timed out at turn
12 with me getting the only VP. So on to the 2nd round, hopefully without any other
mortals at the table.
Round 2 had Mike Courtois (Big Tzimisce), Preston Poulter (Eze), Me, Ben Peal (Lasombra
Breed and Boon) and Josh Duffin (something with votes). I got out Francois first. On
turn two Preston played Smiling Jack. I bleed for 2 and got out another minion. When
everyone had a minion out, I asked if anyone intended to take out Jack or where they
all happy to see me go. The general consensus was to get me off the table and then play
a “normal” game. Josh Duffin even KRC’ed me for three to speed things along. So I raced
for a VP. I got Ben to 2 or 3 pool and Jack was at 6 when Josh called an Ancient
influence to kill me off on Turn 9. Mike went on to get 2 VP so I guess his play was
justified. Josh got zero VP’s. ‘nuff said ;)
So onto round 3. Once more a 4 top and once more a hunter behind me. This time it was
Robyn playing the Powerless deck. In front I had Mike Nilson (classic !Malk SB) and
the 4th was my arch-nemesis, Robert Goudie (Weenie gun swarm/haven with Black Cat).
Robyn and I did a crypt check and all was well with that. We both got someone out.
Mike got out Midget. Mike announced that if he went forward, Robert would back rush
him and Mike does not like an Imbued predator so he felt his best chance was to back
oust me. I pointed out that if he did that he would still have an Imbued behind him
and would still have to oust Robert at some point. He was not swayed by my crazy table
talk. Robert played a Haven on his own vamp because he could not play it on Robyn and
he was pretty happy with Mike going backward around the table. Mike bleed me almost
out but then realized that Robert has taken himself down to 11 pool. Mike needed to
top deck one card to oust Robert so he went for it. He ousted Robert and then finished
me off next turn. He lost to Robyn in the end game but he did improve his position by
going backward so I cannot fault his play.
So in the end I did not do so well representing the Hunters. I only got the chainsaw
out in one game. I have tweaked up the deck and will give it another run someday.
It should be a lot of fun and pretty effective.
David “000Club” Tatu