Swarm Bleed
2010 Tournament Rules
by Qualta AKA Kyle
The idea is to swarm bleed my prey, whilst simultaneously weathering
the table hate until I can gain pool from my kills.
Crypt (12 Imbued) Capacity min: 3 max: 5 average: 4.08333
2x Jennie "Cassie247" Orne 5 inn jud vis Imbued:4
2x Jack "Hannibal137" Harmon 4 def jud Imbued:4
2x Jennifer "Flame61" Vidisania 4 ven vis Imbued:4
2x Paul "Sixofswords29" Moreton 4 def vis Imbued:4
2x François "Warden" Loehr 3 def jud Imbued:4
1x Travis "Traveler72" Miller 5 mar def Imbued:4
1x Xian "Dzidzat155" Quan 4 def inn Imbued:4
Library (89 cards)
Ally (3)
2x Moise Kasavubu
1x Wendell Delburton (Hunter)
Combat (8 )
8x Concealed Weapon
Conviction (17)
6x React with Conviction
6x Second Sight
5x Strike with Conviction
Equipment (19)
2x Camera Phone
1x Crusader Sword, The
3x Flash Grenade
4x Incriminating Videotape
1x Orb of Ulain
8x Wooden Stake
Master (16)
4x Angel of Berlin
1x Channel 10
2x Church of Vindicated Faith, The
2x Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
2x Parthenon, The
1x Slave Auction
2x Society of Leopold
2x Vigil: The Thin Line
Power (14)
5x Champion
2x Discern
3x Rejuvenate
4x Vigilance
Reaction (12)
8x Determine
4x Poison Pill
Updated to :
Crypt (12 Imbued) Capacity min: 3 max: 5 average: 4.08333
2x Jennie "Cassie247" Orne 5 inn jud vis Imbued:4
2x Jack "Hannibal137" Harmon 4 def jud Imbued:4
2x Jennifer "Flame61" Vidisania 4 ven vis Imbued:4
2x Paul "Sixofswords29" Moreton 4 def vis Imbued:4
2x François "Warden" Loehr 3 def jud Imbued:4
1x Travis "Traveler72" Miller 5 mar def Imbued:4
1x Xian "Dzidzat155" Quan 4 def inn Imbued:4
Library (82 cards)
Ally (2)
2x Moise Kasavubu
Combat (4)
4x Concealed Weapon
Conviction (17)
6x React with Conviction
6x Second Sight
5x Strike with Conviction
Equipment (20)
1x Crusader Sword, The
3x Flash Grenade
3x IR Goggles
4x Laptop Computer
1x Orb of Ulain
5x White Phosphorus Grenade
3x Wooden Stake
Event (3)
Master (15)
4x Angel of Berlin
1x Channel 10
2x Church of Vindicated Faith, The
1x KRCG News Radio
2x Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
2x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Chicago
2x Sudden Reversal
Power (12)
4x Champion
3x Rejuvenate
5x Vigilance
Reaction (9)
7x Determine
2x Poison Pill