marcus's obedient hunters-08 legal
Jon Glas
2008 Tournament Rules
Deck Name: marcus's obedient hunters-08 legal
Created by: Jon Glas
Crypt [12 vampires, average capacity: 6.83333]
5x Marcus Vitel DOM FOR OBF OBT PRE 10 Ventrue:3 prince
1x Anna "Dictatrix11" Suljic mar red vis 6 Imbued :4
1x Earl "Shaka74" Deams jud mar vis 6 Imbued :4
1x Jennie "Cassie247" Orne inn jud vis 5 Imbued :4
1x Erick "Shophet125" Franco inn jud 4 Imbued :4
1x Jack "Hannibal137" Harmon def jud 4 Imbued :4
1x Marion "Teacher193" Perks red jud 4 Imbued :4
1x Francois "Warden" Loehr def jud 3 Imbued :4
Library [90 cards]
Master [15]
3x Angel of Berlin
2x Auspex
1x Barrens, The
3x Blood Doll
2x Celerity
1x Church of Vindicated Faith, The
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Specialization
Action Modifier [16]
7x Cloak the Gathering
2x Lost in Crowds
3x Shroud of Absence
4x Veil the Legions
Conviction [12]
3x React with Conviction
6x Second Sight
3x Strike with Conviction
Equipment [7]
3x Camera Phone
2x Heart of Nizchetus
2x Sport Bike
Event [3]
1x Narrow Minds
2x Unmasking, The
Reaction [33]
19x Obedience
2x Deflection
12x Second Tradition: Domain
Retainer [4]
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
2x Mr. Winthrop
1x Tasha Morgan
In the tourney setting ally steal cards are more prominent so I would
consider adding in more react with convictions. I never saw any but
like 5 people thought it odd that I didn't use the reacts. I added
some deflections because I was expecting more high stealth bleed and
I hoped I could drop a few surprise deflections into my prey when
they saw none in my ash heap. The original script had a vagabond
mystic and another obedience instead of the deflections. There was
ALOT of fatties in the tourney (2 saulot, 1 etrius, 1 eze, 1 twice
damned, and 2 other decks with 10 caps!). That hurt the obedience
defense alot but luck helped me out in the preliminaries with seating
and drawing into skill cards early when I needed them.