Mano A Mano
Alex Broadhead
So I'm looking to put together some sort of Imbued deck, just to take
'em out for a spin... Well, mostly so I can be prepared to deal with
them if someone else plays them, actually.
I guess I could try out copying one of the recent winning decks, but
part of the experiment is reading through the cards and trying to see
what could be done with them. Which brings me to this deck, and the
following question: is it workable?
Deck Name: Mano A Mano
Created By: Alex Broadhead - wumpus - wumpus7 // at \\ comcast // dot \\ net
Description: Imbued + Antonio. Biothaumaturgically altered Imbued
want to feed you to Nephandus.
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 16, Max: 20, Avg: 4.58)
1 Eric 'Shophet125' Franco JUD INN 4 Judge
2 John 'Cop90' O'Malley JUD VEN 4 Avenger
2 Pedro Cortez VEN MAR 4 Avenger
3 Antonio d`Erlette dom for pot THA 5 Tremere Antitribu
2 Jennie 'Cassie247' Orne INN JUD VIN 5 Visionary
2 Travis 'Traveler72' Miller DEF MAR 5 Martyr
Library: (90 cards)
Master (15 cards)
5 Angel of Berlin
1 Charisma
1 Church of Vindicated Faith, The
3 Fame
3 Haven Uncovered
1 Memories of Mortality
1 Rose Foundation, The
Action (11 cards)
5 Biothaumaturgic Experiment
3 Bum`s Rush
3 Muse of Flame
Reaction (7 cards)
5 Deflection
2 On the Qui Vive
Combat (13 cards)
2 Concealed Weapon
2 Imprison
2 Inflict
5 Pulled Fangs
2 Theft of Vitae
Ally (6 cards)
1 Moise Kasavubu
5 Nephandus (Mage)
Equipment (11 cards)
1 Crusader Sword, The
5 Garrote
5 Leather Jacket
Event (4 cards)
1 Dragonbound
1 Edge Explosion
1 Unmasking, The
Power (9 cards)
3 Donate
3 Surge
3 Vigilance
Conviction (14 cards)
5 React With Conviction
4 Second Sight
5 Strike With Conviction
This deck was last saved at 10:48:31 AM on 8/27/2007