Black Hand Imbued Blood Denial
Karl George Schaefer
Imbued can form a pretty good wall and the Black Hand is pretty
versatile. I decided to try out Respire as a way to clear out weenie
vampires, using Imbued technology to keep me alive in the short run.
If my prey is not using smaller vampires I can Respire to my vampires
for bloating. Of couse, there's always bleeding with Strike and Second
Sight. Art of Memory should, theorectically, flush extra convictions
from my hand. This deck is untested, but I hope to try it on Thursday,
so I need help avoiding the obvious mistakes. Comments welcome.
Deck Name : Black Hand Imbued Blood Denial
Author : Karl George Schaefer - karlgschaefer // at \\ gmail // dot \\ com
Description :
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 2 max: 8 average: 5.17
2x Yazid Tamari 8 CEL QUI ani dom obf Assamite:3
1x White Lily 8 DEM OBF cel dom for !Malkavian:4
1x Teresita, The Godmother 7 ANI OBF POT for !Nosferatu:3
1x Reza Fatir 6 CEL QUI obf pro Assamite:4
1x Colonel, The 5 AUS cel dem obf !Malkavian:3
1x Leaf "Potter116" Pankowski 4 inn red vis Imbued:4
1x Marion "Teacher193" Perks 4 red jud Imbued:4
1x Peter "Outback295" Rophail 4 red ven Imbued:4
1x Roger Farnsworth 4 OBF aus !Malkavian:3
1x Liz "Ticket312" Thornton 2 inn red Imbued:4
1x Piotr Andreikov 2 aus Tzimisce:3
Library [90 cards]
Master [15]
1x Angel of Berlin
4x Blood Doll
3x Dominion
2x Fame
1x Fortschritt Library
1x Remover
1x Wash
1x Watchtower: Four Ride Forth
1x Weeping Stone
Action [13]
1x Abbot
1x Black Hand Ritual
5x Computer Hacking
1x Khabar: Glory
4x Reunion Kamut
1x Sibyl's Tongue
Action Modifier [15]
5x Art of Memory, The
2x Cloak the Gathering
1x Council of Seraphim
1x Elder Impersonation
2x Faceless Night
2x Lost in Crowds
2x Spying Mission
Action Modifier/Combat [2]
2x Swallowed by the Night
Ally [1]
1x Young Bloods
Combat [3]
1x Disguised Weapon
2x High Ground
Conviction [15]
4x React with Conviction
5x Second Sight
6x Strike with Conviction
Equipment [7]
3x .44 Magnum
1x Assault Rifle
2x Deer Rifle
1x Ivory Bow
Event [3]
1x Edge Explosion
2x Unmasking, The
Power [7]
1x Hide
4x Respire
2x Vigilance
Reaction [9]
2x Deflection
1x Foul Blood
3x On the Qui Vive
3x Wake with Evening's Freshness
Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Tue Jan 02 22:59:10 2007]