Karlstad City Hunters
Alexander Nilsson
2010 Tournament Rules
Poison the Well of Life
Karlstad, Sweden
May 22, 2010
9 players
Alexander Nilsson's Tournament Winning Deck
Deck Name : Karlstad City Hunters
Author : Alexander "Heffa" Nilsson
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 3 max: 6 average: 4.33333
2x Jennie "Cassie247" Orne 5 inn jud vis Imbued:4
2x Travis "Traveler72" Miller 5 mar def Imbued:4
2x Jack "Hannibal137" Harmon 4 def jud Imbued:4
2x François "Warden" Loehr 3 def jud Imbued:4
1x Earl "Shaka74" Deams 6 jud mar vis Imbued:4
1x Jennifer "Flame61" Vidisania 4 ven vis Imbued:4
1x John "Cop90" O'Malley 4 jud ven Imbued:4
1x Paul "Sixofswords29" Moreton 4 def vis Imbued:4
Library [75 cards]
Conviction [16]
5x React with Conviction
5x Second Sight
6x Strike with Conviction
Equipment [15]
3x .44 Magnum
1x AK-47
1x Crusader Sword, The
2x Flak Jacket
3x IR Goggles
1x Ivory Bow
1x Mark V
3x Sport Bike
1x Sniper Rifle
Event [3]
1x Dragonbound
1x Unmasking, The
Master [19]
6x Angel of Berlin
1x Church of Vindicated Faith, The
1x Direct Intervention
1x KRCG News Radio
1x Major Boon
1x Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
1x Nod
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Rose Foundation, The
1x Society of Leopold
1x Tension in the Ranks
1x Unity
1x WMRH Talk Radio
1x Wash
Power [11]
1x Champion
3x Discern
3x Rejuvenate
4x Vigilance
Reaction [10]
6x Determine
4x On the Qui Vive