Josh Duffin
GenCon 2006
Championship Qualifier
Sunday August 13th, 2006
27 players
3R + F
Tournament Winning Deck by Josh Duffin
Here's the list for my Imbued constructed-winning deck from Sunday.
Lots of credit to Matt Morgan for the basic ideas of this deck.
Then, too, the powers, convictions, and Imbued themselves dictate
a lot of the deck's gameplan...
This is a deck somewhat tweaked from the version I played at Origins
earlier this year. Matt told me I shouldn't play it again since it
had already won a tournament, but I don't know, I think maybe this
horse should be ridden into the ground until something happens to
make it less effective. :-)
This version ended up with every single card being one that goes into
play, except for a few of the masters (Fortschritt, DI, Sudden, Angel,
Effective, Misdirection). That's definitely one of the great strengths
of the Imbued: so many of their powerful effects are permanents, usable
over and over again. You don't have to keep drawing more copies of them
in order to be effective; they've already gone into play and just stay
there for you to reuse every turn.
In the first and third rounds of the tournament, I got only 0.5 VP as
the game didn't develop quickly enough for me to ever oust anyone after
recovering from early pool losses (though at least I was never ousted
on the day). But in the second round and the final round, the game moved
along more swiftly and I had plenty of time to lose some pool, recover
and build up, and then oust people. 4 VP in the second round and 3 in
the finals earned the win.
Deck Name : 2006_08_10_all_powerful
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 3 max: 5 average: 4
2x Jennie "Cassie247" 5 inn jud vis Visionary:4
2x Travis "Traveler72 5 mar def Martyr:4
2x Inez "Nurse216" Vi 3 inn Innocent:4
1x Erick "Shophet125" 4 inn jud Judge:4
1x Jack "Hannibal137" 4 def jud Defender:4
1x Lupe "Cabbie22" Dr 4 def ven Defender:4
1x Xian "DziDzat155" 4 def inn Defender:4
1x Béatrice "Oracle17 3 inn ven Innocent:4
1x François "Warden" 3 def jud Judge:4
Library [90 cards]
Ally [2]
2x Vagabond Mystic ** in case not everyone can get a Rejuvenate
Conviction [18]
6x React with Conviction
6x Second Sight
6x Strike with Conviction
Equipment [9]
4x .44 Magnum ** probably don't need this many, discarded several
1x Crusader Sword, The
1x Ivory Bow
3x Sport Bike ** didn't have these last time, great with Angel
Event [5]
1x Anthelios, The Red Star
2x Edge Explosion ** I didn't want to run too much Gehenna and
2x Unmasking, The ** get the table too mad at me...
Master [32]
5x Angel of Berlin ** On the Qui Vive will be nice to add...
1x Barrens, The
2x Brothers Grimm ** really strong card in master-heavy decks
1x Channel 10
2x Church of Vindicated Faith, The
4x Direct Intervention ** think 3x DI 3x Sudden might be better
2x Effective Management
1x Fortschritt Library
2x Information Highway
1x KRCG News Radio
2x Memories of Mortality ** more of these instead of Misdirection?
2x Misdirection ** only advantages: taps an ally, or vs bleed-bounce
2x Parthenon, The
1x Rose Foundation, The
1x Smiling Jack, The Anarch ** to contest, potentially
2x Sudden Reversal
1x Vigil: The Thin Line
Power [24]
3x Champion ** really strong, e.g. vs Stanislava
5x Discern ** more Sport Bikes for free!
1x Foresee ** never used on the day
1x Hide ** useful a few times
1x Inspire ** great with Inez, used all the time
1x Project ** never used on the day, good in theory though
5x Rejuvenate ** key card, keeps you out of incapacitated
2x Surge ** never used on the day, not much combat around
5x Vigilance ** great for second action and for double-blocking