Imbued Wall
2008 Tournament Rules
Live Journal Post
Live Journal Post, part 2
Imbued Wall
1 Earl "Shaka74" Deams - Visionary - jud mar vis
2 Francois "Warden" Loehr - Judge - def jud
3 Jack "Hannibal137" Harmon - Defender - def jud
2 Jennie "Cassie247" Orne - Visionary - inn jud vis
1 Jennifer "Flame61" Vidisania - Avenger - ven vis
2 Paul "Sixofswords29" Moreton - Visionary - def vis
1 Xian "Dzidzati55" Quan - Defender - def inn
Master (19):
4 Angel of Berlin
1 The Barrens
2 The Church of Vindicated Faith
1 Elder Library
2 Fortscritt Library
1 Millicent Smith-Puritan Vampire Hunter
2 The Parthenon
2 Vast Wealth
2 Vigil: The Thin Line
2 Vulnerability
Action (4)
4 Bum's Rush
Powers (9)
2 Discern
3 Rejuvenate
4 Vigilance
Reactions (9)
9 Determine
Combat (8)
4 High Ground
4 Target Vitals
Allies (2)
2 Moise Kasavubu
Equipment (9)
1 The Crusader Sword
2 Flak Jacket
3 Flamethrower
1 Ivory Bow
2 Leather Jacket
Events (2)
1 Dragonbound
1 The Unmasking
Conviction (28)
10 React with Conviction
9 Second Sight
9 Strike with Conviction
90 Cards
Tourney recap from last saturday
Round 1:
The reaction I was afraid of on my second turn as soon as
I transferred up Travis "Traveler72" Miller: a resounding
"oh crap.. Imbued!" from my entire table which echoed around
the room and painted a giant bullseye on me for the rest
of the tournament. My table position in the first game
couldn't have been better though. I was being bled by a
Tremere mage ally deck, had a prey that spent the first
3 turns bringing up Ambrosio Luis Moncada to set up a
Baltimore Purge/Graverob combination, Brujah combat
crosstable-left, and Guruhi crosstable-right. I ended up
walling early and limiting the number of mages breeding
behind me, while throwing occasional small bleeds at my
prey. The Tremere ended up playing 2 events that I had
pulled out of my deck to not generate table hate, and this
ended up working beautifully for me: Veil of Darkness and
Blood Weakens. This negated several bounce attempts by the
Lasombra, and focussed much of the table hate at the Tremere
rather then me. The Brujah and Guruhi took turns beating
up each other's vampires, until finally the purge came up,
giving my prey control of the Brujah's biggest and scariest
vampire. I was a bit concerned about my long range agg
combat holding up against the brujah after watching them
put eze into torpor with 2 rushes, but being in the hands
of someone that couldn't use his combat disciplines I took
advantage and started bleeding forward with a vengeance,
comfortable that I had bloated enough and had enough untap
to survive the mage army long enough to get my 6 pool.
I managed to finally oust the Lasombra with Jennifer
Vidisania's bleeds for 3 at -1 stealth that Ambrosio couldn't
touch , and the Brujah were left with 4 pool and the Guruhi
with 3. I ousted both of them next turn, and braced myself
for a war of attrition. Between second sight intercept and
Wendell Delburton rushes, I finally managed to kill enough
of the allies to get my bleeds through and took my 5 VPs
and a table sweep.
Round 2:
News of the Imbued deck had spread rather quickly and even
without the event cards, I found myself without any kind
of crosstable assistance for the rest of the day. Round 2
found me with a predator that was ousted by turn 3 and I
never even got to see what he was going for, a ventrue
bleed machine as my prey, more lasombra crosstable left,
and a pander vote deck crosstable right. The pander, as
mentioned above, con agg'd and KRC'd my predator down in
a matter of 3 turns, causing me to immediately wall up
since blocking the votes was my only chance of surviving.
My lack of forward pressure allowed the Ventrue to bleed
out the Lasombra as well as do a fair amount of damage
to the pander due to deflections. After a long number
of rounds of the pander getting bleed for 10 and bloating
it all back thanks to con boon's that i chose to allow
rather then be unable to block the damaging votes,
I eventually trimmed down the number of pander to more
manageable number, and chose to deny him his bloat and
let the Ventrue take another VP since there was no way
I would have been able to put out enough forward pressure
to oust him without getting overwhelmed. After getting
his second VP, I was able to start going forward since
he only had 2-3 ventrue up that I could easily manage
with 1-2 Imbued and go forward with the rest. I ended
up chewing through the 12 extra pool and ousted the
Ventrue, racking up another 2 VPs.
Round 3:
I entered this round with the highest total of VPs thanks
to my table sweep, and felt pretty confident that all I
needed to really do was play defensively and aim for
2 VPs to make the final table. Once again, I ended up
with a lucky table spot sitting behind a weenie dominate
deck who was bleeding a very nasty Kiasyd deck from our
local play group (same deck/player that won Moot Point,
The Clans Converge). With a well-placed brainwash and a
ton of early dominate bleeds, the weenies managed to
catch the Kiasyd without any bounce and bled them out
within the first few turns, and ran over the rest of the
table as well in short order. After a very drawn out
balancing act making sure I was only allowing enough
bleeds through to soak up with bloat, I managed to slowly
but surely chew through the extra 18 pool and keep myself
intact long enough to finally bleed him out, earning a
final 2 VPs and securing a spot at the finals table.
Unlike every other game I had played, the finals table was
quite possibly the fastest 5-person game of v:tes I have
ever played in. The competition was the weenie dominate
deck I saw in round 3, the pander vote deck I saw in
round 2, an Ishtari bleed machine from our local play
group that I was familiar with, and an unknown. Coming
to the finals with the most VPs, I opted to bleed the
weenie dominate deck, knowing full and well that both
it and the ishtari would overwhelm me much quicker then
I can wall up plus it put the pander to my right allowing
me to block the votes. So the table was set with me
bleeding the dominate weenies, who were bleeding the
ishtari, who were bleeding the unknown which ended up
being an anarch bleed deck, who were bleeding the political
pander, who was bleeding me. The anarchs won(?) the die
roll for first transfer, and we were off.
The pander brought up 2 vamps first turn, and my opening
crypt was all 4's and 5's so I was defenseless for a round.
This ended up costing me 8 pool in the form of 2 con agg's
and staring down a total of 4 pander before I even had a
minion up. Needless to say, this negated any chance of me
being able to put decent pressure on my prey. Given that,
he went all out on the Ishtari and also put them in a
defensive stance, which allowed the Anarchs time to convert
his minions and prepare himself. After a few rounds I found
myself with 2 pool, an anarch revolt and an antideluvian
awakening in play from the pander, and facing certain death
with my predator still sitting on 7 pool. The anarchs finally
stepped it up and bled for 7 with 2 vampires at stealth
knocking my predator out and saving me from a rather
embarrassing death-by-master-cards. I took my next turn to
bloat back up to 4 and prepared to break the next wave of
bleeds and kill some anarchs with my manuevering/crusader
sword'd/ivory bow'd/2 standing intercept imbued. The weenie
dominate deck took advantage of this and bled the ishtari
out in one shot, but used all his vamps up and he wasn't
able to hit the anarchs at all that turn. The anarchs fired
off a bleed for 2 at a stealth at me, but threw 2 more
stealth and an extra bleed on it causing me to waste a second
sight and vigil: the thin line in a failed block attempt.
The next one came in at no stealth, added one stealth,
i burned my last second sight, only to see another stealth
added and another VP for the anarchs and me ousted. After
a very brief show down, the anarchs ended up winning the
table due to a pool gain of 12 verses the weenie's gain
of 6, and thus ended our Qualifier.
Overall, I'm very content with my standing for my first vtes
tournament ever. I am, however, retiring the deck I played
for this and am going back to the drawing board for something
new and improved. As well as the imbued ended up doing,
I think I'm sufficiently convinced that no matter how
'friendly' I make the deck it just generates more table
hate then it can really deal with in order to be more then
a wall that will usually earn 2 VPs. Depending on the when
and where, I'll hopefully have something new and interesting
for nationals =)
I did make a couple of minor tweaks to it for tourney, but
nothing more then a couple of crypt changes and trimming
some angels of berlin to add a few on the qui vives.