The Champion Vigilantes
Deck Name : The Champion Vigilantes
Author : The Lasombra
Description :
Loosely based on all of the tournament winning Imbued decks.
Designed to be played at the Last Chance Qualifier for the North American
Championship. Originally designed with 6 copies of Memories of Mortality,
but I was unable borrow or buy them from any of the players locally that I
asked. I got a game win and 4.5 vps with the deck anyway, .5 at the first
table, 3 at the second table, and 1 at the third.
My predator in the first round was Merged Sebastien Goulet and his allies.
Sebastien did manage to steal Francois Loehr with J.S. Simmons, a Laptop,
and a Champion. I was heartily unthrilled. My prey that game was an Enkidu
7-Raptor / Earth Meld / Psyche! rush deck. The Memories of Mortalies that
failed to make it into my deck (or the Pentex Subversion that should have been
in as backup) would have guaranteed me two or more victory points at that
first table. As it was, I survived until time because although Stanislava
successfully called the Protect Thine Own on Enkidu, her Methuselah was
convinced to vote it down. A truly sad day for the Camarilla, as the table
timed out.
The second round I was preying on a Toreador Antitribu Firebrand deck, that
was preying on a Nocturn sprinkled weenie dominate deck, that was preying on
a Nosferatu Antitribu deck. I thought this was going to go very poorly for me,
as my first undirected action was blocked and Travis was put down and
pillowfaced by Carrion Crows and an Undead Strength. The weenie dominate deck
and Millicent Smith bought me some breathing room, and I eventually overran all
of the decks except the Nos Anti who had been taken out by the dominate deck.
The third round I was preying on Eze and friends, who was preying on Osebo
baby-makers, who was preying on Lucian/Gilbert Duane Judgement Camarilla
Segregation stealth bleed. Eze and crew took every opportunity to knock
the Imbued into the incapacitated region, and the Malkavians followed up
on every opportunity to pillowface. I did manage to squeak past Eze and
oust him, but the Osebo played sufficiently backwards to give Lucian and
pals the game win and 3 vps.
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 3 max: 5 average: 4.34
3x Travis "Traveler72" Miller 5 mar def Imbued:4
2x Jennie "Cassie247" Orne 5 inn jud vis Imbued:4
2x Jack "Hannibal137" Harmon 4 def jud Imbued:4
2x Paul "Sixofswords29" Moreton 4 def vis Imbued:4
1x Lupe "Cabbie22" Droin 4 def ven Imbued:4
1x Xian "DziDzat155" Quan 4 def inn Imbued:4
1x François "Warden" Loehr 3 def jud Imbued:4
Library [90 cards]
Action [1]
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
Action Modifier [4]
4x Change of Target
Ally [3]
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1x Gregory Winter
1x Vagabond Mystic
Conviction [23]
7x React with Conviction
8x Second Sight
8x Strike with Conviction
Equipment [10]
1x Crusader Sword, The
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ivory Bow
2x Laptop Computer
3x Leather Jacket
1x Orb of Ulain
1x Sport Bike
Event [7]
2x Edge Explosion
1x Restricted Vitae
1x Thirst
2x Unmasking, The
Master [14]
5x Angel of Berlin
2x Church of Vindicated Faith, The
1x Fortschritt Library
1x Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
1x Society of Leopold
1x Vigil: The Thin Line
3x Wash
Power [13]
4x Champion
2x Discern
2x Rejuvenate
5x Vigilance
Reaction [12]
4x Determine
4x On the Qui Vive
4x Poison Pill
Retainer [3]
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
1x Mr. Winthrop
1x Tasha Morgan