Back from Torpor
Pierre Tran-Van
Tournament name : Hand Contract
Paris, France
23 players
Deckname : Back from Torpor
by : Pierre Tran-Van aka Stone
description : This deck won the « Hand Contract », 23 players, Paris,
May 26th 2007. Since Imbued aren't popular, might as well draw table
hate with Events and see what happens. Irresponsible deflecting on
grandpredator is nice too. The « hasty, untested tweaks in the morning
» were the poison pill/vox domini, heart of nizchetus, forschritt
library, glancing blow and were definitely useful. Don't leave home
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 15, Max: 20, Avg: 4,5)
4 Travis "Traveler72" Miller DEF MAR 5 Martyr
3 Jennie "Cassie247" Orne INN JUD VIN 5 Visionary
3 John "Cop90" O`Malley JUD VEN 4 Avenger
1 Francois "Warder" Loehr DEF JUD 3 Judge
1 Jack "Hannibal137" Harmon DEF JUD 4 Defender
Library: (90 cards)
Events (15)
Recalled to the Founder
The New Inquisition
Fall of the Camarilla
Restricted Vitae
3 Edge Explosion
Dr Marisa Fletcher CDC
Veil of Darkness
Nightmares Upon Nightmares
Torpid Blood
The Slow Withering
Masters (20)
Jake Washington
The Rose Foundation
Tension in the Ranks
Secure Haven
Millicent Smith
Smiling Jack
2 Angel of Berlin
Direct Intervention
Sudden Reversal
Information Highway
2 The Church of Vindicated Faith
4 Memories of Mortality
Fortschritt Library
Not to Be
Vox Domini
Powers (15)
4 Vigilance
4 Rejuvenate
2 Abjure
Convictions (22)
5 React with Conviction
8 Strike with Conviction
9 Second Sight
Reactions (8)
4 Determine
1 On the Qui Vive
3 Poison Pill
Equipments (3)
Ivory Bow
Crusader Sword
Laptop Computer
Heart of Nizchetus
Action (1)
Bum's Rush
Retainers (2)
JS Simmons
Tasha Morgan
Allies (2)
Gregory Winter
Vagabond Mystic
Combat (1)
Glancing Blow